The Dinosaur Fact Book

Lonely Planet Kids presents The Dinosaur Fact Book a captivating journey across continents and time to discover the awe-inspiring creatures that once roamed our planet. From ferocious dinosaurs to graceful flying reptiles and mysterious marine creatures, this book is a comprehensive and exciting exploration of prehistoric life.


Lonely Planet Kids presents The Dinosaur Fact Book a captivating journey across continents and time to discover the awe-inspiring creatures that once roamed our planet. From ferocious dinosaurs to graceful flying reptiles and mysterious marine creatures, this book is a comprehensive and exciting exploration of prehistoric life. Organized into chapters that focus on the seven continents and oceans, young readers will embark on a thrilling adventure through different regions of the world. Each dinosaur is given its own page or spread, showcasing vivid illustrations and captivating descriptions of their most intriguing features. Get up close and personal with the iconic T-Rex and Triceratops of North America, marvel at the colossal sauropods of South America, and delve into the ancient marine reptiles of Europe. Encounter the feathered, bird-like dinosaurs of Asia and discover even more fascinating species from around the globe.

The Dinosaur Fact Book goes beyond the creatures themselves to delve into the history of dinosaur research. Learn how these “terrible lizards” were first identified in the 19th century and uncover the intense Bone Wars that erupted as collectors vied for the best fossil remains. Witness the evolution of our understanding of dinosaurs, from slow-moving reptilian creatures to agile, feathered predators. With stunning illustrations and captivating photography, this book brings dinosaurs to life in a way that sparks curiosity and engages young minds. Based on the latest scientific research, each page is filled with fascinating facts that provide a comprehensive introduction to the world of dinosaurs. Lonely Planet Kids, an imprint of the renowned travel authority Lonely Planet, has been inspiring young explorers since 2011. With a dedication to educating and encouraging children’s curiosity about the world, their books cover a wide range of subjects including culture, geography, nature, history, and more. “The Dinosaur Book 1” aims to ignite the passion for exploration in the next generation of global citizens, making every day an adventure. Get ready for a roarsome experience!

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